When you drive in to Russo's Auto Service you can be sure our certified auto technicians will have your vehicle ready, from front bumper to rear tail light, to meet whatever challenges the road has in…
There was a time when operating a motor vehicle required the knowledge of a clutch and a stick shift, which was sometimes on the floor (as in “four on the floor”) and other times on the…
As temperatures begin to rise, the last thing you want is to be stuck with an air-conditioner that isn’t working properly.
Think of Russo's Auto Service when you want to make your car, SUV or truck look its best inside and out!
First, the bad news: as years tick on, signs of facial aging are inevitable.
Even though vehicles nowadays are built to run almost trouble-free, keeping a close eye on your tires is still a must.
As winter weather arrives, it’s time for drivers to prepare for handling potentially dangerous driving conditions.
Distracted driving is linked to thousands of deaths and injuries every year, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
The motor vehicle industry is always looking for ways to improve the performance of your car.
Autumn is a favorite time of year for many of us. The heat, humidity and mosquitoes are gone, the air is crisp, and football season is underway.
Each time you start your vehicle, you may have noticed an icon on the dashboard displaying the letters ABS.
It’s summer!
Read any good books lately?
Often the best advice our expert mechanics at Russo's Auto Service can give to motorists about driving in severe weather is simple: Stay at home unless it’s absolutely necessary.
Catalytic converters have been getting a lot of attention recently, and not in a good way. Thefts of these components have jumped dramatically over the past few years.
There are plenty of reasons for wanting to hold onto your car, SUV or pickup truck these days.
Most vehicles can’t talk to their drivers, but they have another means of communicating.
The auto pros at Russo's Auto Service are all about making your vehicle as safe to drive as possible.
Vehicles nowadays are equipped with a bevy of high-tech features that can be immensely helpful in alerting drivers about potential problems that could leave them stranded along the side of the road on…
You may not spend much time thinking about how long it's been since the fluid in your vehicle’s radiator has been changed — that is, until your car overheats and you’re stranded on…
Today’s cars, SUVs, and trucks are coming with more and more high-tech features and gadgets every year.
Vehicles have become so technologically advanced these days that many drivers may wonder whether they still need to bring them in for a tune up.
If you’re driving a newer vehicle, or even if you aren’t, you have no doubt noticed cars and SUVs shutting off at red lights or in traffic, and then starting up again once the light turns…
When tire manufacturers first introduced all-season tires decades ago, drivers across the country rejoiced. No more changing to snow tires in the winter!
The time is always right for keeping your vehicle properly maintained. But once winter rolls around, making sure your car, SUV or pickup truck is clicking on all cylinders is especially crucial.
A lot has changed about the way vehicles are built, equipped and serviced.
Among the most important pieces of automotive equipment — and often the most commonly overlooked — are your vehicle’s windshield wiper blades.
It seems like we’re always on the go, driving from one place to another in a hurry to get to work, pick up the kids, and bring home the groceries in time for dinner.
Your tires are perhaps the most important safety equipment on your vehicle, but many drivers don’t give them a second thought unless they get a flat or fail an inspection.
Have you been noticing a foul smelling odor inside your vehicle, or that the air circulation seems sluggish, even when you have the heat or air conditioning fan set on high?
Your car is out there…exposed to nature’s elements and those used by your fellow neighbors that can permanently damage your car’s paint.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, car accidents claim thousands of lives in the U. S. each year.
Okay, what’s the difference between car detailing and getting your car washed?
It’s one of the finishing touches to your vehicle that can make it truly unique: tinted windows. Sure, they look cool, but they also offer a number of benefits to both the car and to you.
For over 40 years, our family-owned business has been dedicated to providing exceptional customer service and top-quality automotive care.
945 S. Oak Park Avenue Oak Park, IL 60304