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Is Start-Stop Technology Good or Bad for My Vehicle?

November 25, 2021

If you’re driving a newer vehicle, or even if you aren’t, you have no doubt noticed cars and SUVs shutting off at red lights or in traffic, and then starting up again once the light turns green or traffic begins to move.

If you’ve wondered what’s behind this trend, and whether it’s good for a vehicle to turn off and on that frequently, the auto technicians at Russo's Auto Service have the answers to your questions. Our mechanics are trained in the newest features on cars and SUVs, and use state-of-the-art equipment to test, tune, and troubleshoot every aspect of your vehicle’s performance.

Start-stop technology is an innovation that is intended to lower fuel consumption and cut down on carbon dioxide emissions to protect the environment. These benefits have led to the start-stop feature being available in almost every class of vehicle, with more and more manufacturers getting on board. The system uses sensors to detect when a vehicle is stationary or has dropped below a certain speed. Battery systems are generally capable of keeping accessory functions like heat, air-conditioning, wipers, and audio systems running for the duration of the shutdown. 

One question vehicle owners commonly ask is, will all this extra starting and stopping wear out the engine or starter motor? Carmakers insist that’s not the case. Why? Because vehicles with start-stop technology are manufactured differently than other cars, their components are engineered to accommodate this feature. And, if the start-stop feature is really bugging you, most vehicles are equipped with a disabling switch to shut it off — just remember to switch it back on when your environmentally conscious friends are in the car!

As vehicles become more and more complicated, the technicians Russo's Auto Service stay up to date with every advancement so that you don’t have to. Just drive in today, and leave the rest to us!

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