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Catalytic converters: How to protect them from being stolen

January 30, 2023

Catalytic converters have been getting a lot of attention recently, and not in a good way. Thefts of these components have jumped dramatically over the past few years. And so our auto technicians at Russo's Auto Service thought we’d explain just what catalytic converters do, why they’re being stolen, and how to protect your vehicle from being targeted.

First off, what is a catalytic converter, and where is it located on your vehicle? This equipment, which came into use in the mid-1970s following environmental regulations, employs a chemical process to convert toxic exhaust pollutants coming out of your vehicle’s engine into less harmful forms of carbon dioxide and nitrogen, as well as water vapor. It’s roughly the size of a loaf of bread and located in the exhaust system between the muffler and engine.

Why are they being stolen? Three metals used to produce the chemical reaction — platinum, palladium and rhodium — have spiked in value over the past several years. This has emboldened thieves to cut them right out from under vehicles, sometimes when the vehicle’s parked right out on the street. Vehicles most likely to be targeted include pickups from Ford and Chevrolet, SUVs from Chevy, Honda and Jeep, and Toyota’s Camry and Prius, according to Carfax. Hybrids are particularly vulnerable because more of those precious metals are used for their converters. 

To discourage theft, park in well-lit areas, use your garage instead of leaving your vehicle on the driveway, install motion-sensor lights if you do park on the driveway, and consider having an anti-theft device installed on the vehicle and/.or converter.

You won’t have to guess if the catalytic converter has been stolen on your vehicle: It will become loud, acceleration will suffer and the exhaust will be darker. If you have any questions about this or anything else concerning the performance and safety of your vehicle, please contact our auto technicians at Russo's Auto Service today!

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